Product reviews

This is where I'll be reviewing some weird and wonderful products I come across. Let me know if you know of any product that needs to be discussed on this page, or if YOU have a new or interesting product that I can review!

Interesting products: 

Isabella Garcia Skincare

Today's products is of a different nature than my usual craft or home ware products. It is however a very useful and satisfying addition to one's everyday routine. 

When I first received my little complementary start-up kit in the mail, I was a bit skeptical. I must admit that I'm not the world's greatest followers of skincare regimes... As far as my skincare routine went, I washed my face with soap in the shower, put on whatever moisturizer/lotion was closest to the mirror, after brushing my teeth, and there I went out the door... Some days I got side-tracked by the one of the kids, and didn't even remember to apply any moisturizer.

I was pleasantly surprised to find these little gems in my start-up kit. They smelled absolutely fantastic and the instructions that came with them, promised me that with only 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening I could have a soft, glowing skin. I thought to my myself "this can't be that hard" and I committed to the 5 minutes-twice-a-day-thing. Needless to say, my once dry, flaky, skin has been transformed into soft, supple skin that's not itchy and irritated any more. I don't have dry patches on my cheeks (and it's the middle of winter). 

This is starting to sound like a TV ad... But I don't get paid by anyone to do these product reviews. I do it because I love the products and I believe you could also find them useful.
If you feel that you would like to try out their products, please contact them via Facebook or email them at They will contact you within 48 hours.

Consol Glass Products

I came across these beautiful glass containers the other day and just had to showcase them here. The products are simple, elegant, useful and has a quirky, yet classic feel to them. 
The glass water bottle has a modern look and can be found in green, black, white, red, hot pink, hot orange and blue. The coffee mug also comes in an array of colours. The storage containers are available with white or black lids.

Marabu Porcelain Markers

The Marabu Porcelain Marker is such a cool product. It looks and works like a permanent marker and there's no need to bake the crockery that you use it on. It's dishwasher safe after 3 days.

It's available in many different colours, and the range also includes metallic colours.

I must say that it's not very easy to find yet, but The Deckle Edge sells them (when they have stock available...). 

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